About us

Thank you for your interest in our brand! My mom and me started our little brand in the fall of 2022, with the intention of glorifying God through the Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of the Catholic Church. I do the artsy/design side, and my mom makes everything else happen :) Our logo for Bear Fruit came to me one day after months of brainstorming; it’s inspired by John chapter 15, where Our Lord commands us to bear fruit. While at first it feels like Jesus is asking a lot of us, He is ever quick to remind us that we are not alone—we, His body, can only bear fruit by abiding in Him. Alone we can do nothing, but in Him and with Him, we can do all things. Our hope and prayer for these little gifts is that they may remind you of your true identity in Christ and how fruitful and full of joy our lives can be when we unite ourselves to Him! Perhaps, they can even lead others to know His love as well!

Thanks and may God bless you and keep you! 

Mallory Eaton 
Co-founder of Bear Fruit


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